Systolic Blood Pressure Range


Arterial blood pressure is a pressure of blood in large blood arteries measured in millimeters of mercury.

  • The level of blood pressure at the time of maximum heart contraction is called the systolic blood pressure (SBP).
  • The level of blood pressure at the time of maximum heart relaxation is called diastolic blood pressure (DBP).

Systolic blood pressure is the most important indicator of the heart functional state. A significant increase in systolic blood pressure is one of the key risk factors for serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular pathologies, including:

  • Coronary heart disease, uncontrolled hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, peripheral arterial disease, and stroke.

High systolic blood pressure is much more dangerous to health than high diastolic blood pressure. Therefore, to reduce cardiovascular risks, a particular attention should be paid to the normalization of blood pressure at the time of maximum heart contraction.

At the end of the 60s, in the early 70s of the last century in Europe, there have been conducted several large studies, including:

  • Systolic Hypertension – Europe (SYST-EUR)
  • Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program (SHEP)

The results of these studies have demonstrated that the decline in systolic blood pressure by only 12-13 mmHg reduces the risk of stroke – by 37%, and coronary heart disease – by 21%.

Furthermore, the study results of SYST-EUR and SHEP indicate that when reducing systolic blood pressure by 12-13 mmHg, mortality from cardiovascular diseases decreases by 25%.

A normal range of systolic blood pressure ranges from 90 to 120 mmHg. Any change in the range of systolic blood pressure may be a sign of hypertension or hypotension.

  • Systolic blood pressure above 120 mmHg is a symptom of hypertension.
  • Systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg is a symptom of persistent hypotension.

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases that occurs because of high systolic blood pressure. For the reduction and effective control of systolic blood pressure, it is required a drug therapy chosen individually for each case.

Different types of medications for management of essential hypertension are available at the pharmaceutical market. When one of the hypertension signs is a high systolic and a normal diastolic blood pressure, for the effective control of hypertension, the following medications can be used

  • Indapamide
  • Amlodipine
  • Candesartan

All of these medications are approved for the hypertension treatment, but included in different pharmacological groups.

  • Indapamide – is a thiazide-like diuretic.
  • Amlodipine – is a calcium antagonists
  • Candesartan – is an angiotensin receptor blockers

Each of these medications helps to control systolic blood pressure and to reduce cardiovascular risks. Despite the fact that these three medications have the same effect, there are some differences between them.

Indapamide is an antihypertensive medication, which is most commonly prescribed at the initial stage of antihypertensive therapy. Just as other antihypertensive medications, Indapamide helps to reduce systolic blood pressure. However, given the fact that Indapamide does not provide a powerful antihypertensive effect, it should be used only for the treatment of the first and second stages of hypertension.

Indapamide medication for the reduction of systolic blood pressure can be sold under various trade names, including: Mapemid, Cardide, Varbim, Diurelix, Tertensif, Fludex, Tensaid, Indapres, Rawel, Indipam, Natrilix, Lorvacs. All of these medications are available at the UK pharmacies. If Indapamide diuretic does not provide a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure, it can be replaced by Candesartan medication. Unlike Indapamide, which can be prescribed only to adults, Candesartan can be used to decrease systolic blood pressure in children and adolescents aged 6 years and older.

Candesartan uniqueness is that it can be used to reduce systolic blood pressure in patients with impaired left ventricular systolic function. Moreover, Candesartan is effective in treating hypertension in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).

At the UK pharmacies, Candesartan is sold under various trademarks, including Amias, Atacand, and Blopress. If you want to buy medication to lower systolic blood pressure at the lowest price, check with your doctor under what trademarks cheap Candesartan is sold in your city.

If high systolic blood pressure is diagnosed in patients with coronary artery disease, as an alternative to Candesartan, you can use antihypertensive medication – Amlodipine. Besides the fact that Amlodipine helps to control systolic blood pressure, it also decreases the symptoms of coronary artery disease (CAD), including confirmed or suspected vasospastic chronic angina.

Just as Candesartan, Amlodipine can be prescribed to children. Therefore, choosing between Amlodipine and Candesartan, the doctor should be guided by cardiovascular risks diagnosed in the patient. The British using Amlodipine to lower systolic blood pressure know this medication under the original names Amlostin, Amolyte and Istin. It should be noted that the cheapest tablets to reduce systolic blood pressure are sold on online pharmacies. If you want to buy medication to control systolic blood pressure at the lowest price, you can compare the cost of the needed medication on different online pharmacies.

Having bought cheap tablets to decrease systolic blood pressure online, you can significantly reduce your costs of a short-term or long-term antihypertensive therapy.

When your heart pumps blood into your arteries, it pushes the blood along under a head of pressure. Doctors measure your blood pressure as a way of quantifying the force being exerted by this moving blood against the walls of your arteries. Because the heart beats, the blood flow through the arteries is not steady (as with a fire hose), but pulsatile, and the flow of blood, and the pressure it exerts, fluctuate from moment to moment.

Both values represent the pressure within your arteries expressed in millimeters of mercury, or mmHg.

Both the systolic and diastolic pressures are important. If the readings are too high, hypertension may be present. If the blood pressure readings are too low, there may be insufficient blood flow to critical organs, such as the brain.

What Is Systolic Blood Pressure?

The pressure exerted by your blood flowing through your arteries is not constant, but is dynamic, and constantly reflects what the heart is doing at a given moment.

When the heart is actively beating (an event called “systole”), it is ejecting blood out into the arteries. This dynamic ejection of blood into the arteries causes the pressure within the arteries to rise. The peak blood pressure reached during active cardiac contraction is called the systolic blood pressure.

When a person is exercising, during periods of emotional stress, or at any other time when the heart is stimulated to beat more strongly than at rest, the force of cardiac contraction increases — and the systolic pressure goes up. The increase in systolic blood pressure that occurs during these conditions of cardiac stress is entirely normal.

This explains why it is so important to measure the blood pressure during periods of quiet rest before diagnosing hypertension.

If the systolic blood pressure is lower than normal, systolic hypotension is said to be present. If systolic hypotension is severe enough, it can cause  lightheadedness,  dizziness,  syncope, or (if it lasts long enough), organ failure. Systolic hypotension can occur if the blood volume becomes too low (as with severe dehydration or a major bleeding episode), if the heart muscle becomes too weak to eject the blood normally (a condition known as  cardiomyopathy ), or if the blood vessels become too dilated (as in  vasovagal syncope ). A common condition that produces systolic hypotension is orthostatic hypotension.

What Is Diastolic Blood Pressure?

The diastolic blood pressure is the pressure the blood exerts within the arteries in between heartbeats, that is, when the heart is not actively ejecting blood into the arteries.

A “normal” diastolic blood pressure during quiet rest is 80 mmHG or below. In hypertension, the diastolic blood pressure is often increased during quiet rest. Diastolic hypotension (when the diastolic blood pressure is low) may be seen with dehydration or with bleeding episodes, or if the arteries become abnormally dilated.

Importance of Measuring Blood Pressure During Quiet Rest

Blood pressure is a very dynamic thing. The level of your blood pressure depends on the activity of your heart and the elasticity of your arteries. As we have seen, the blood pressure is actively changing from moment to moment as the heart cycles between systole and diastole.

In addition, your systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the highest and the lowest blood pressure reached during any given cardiac cycle) can change substantially from minute to minute depending on your state of activity, your state of stress, your state of hydration, and several other factors.

What this means is that, in order to diagnose hypertension accurately, it is important to control for as many “external” factors as possible. The standard recommended by experts requires the blood pressure to be taken in a calm, warm environment after you have been resting quietly for at least five minutes. Measuring blood pressure this way is a challenge in today’s typical, harried doctor’s office, making the accurate diagnosis of hypertension much more of a challenge than it should be. This is why most experts today recommend recording the blood pressure over an extended period of time, with ambulatory monitoring, before making the diagnosis of hypertension.

A Word From Verywell

Systolic and diastolic blood pressures represent the pressures within the blood vessels during different parts of the cardiac cycle. Accurately measuring both of these values is important in diagnosing and managing hypertension.


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